Today in class, we talked about our graphs we did for home work based on the data from the bacteria lab video we watched in class. We discussed that you don't have to connect the dots in your graph which a few people did, including me. You just keep them plotted, except for the trend line then you connect the first and last dot only.
In class we discussed things to help us write our conclusion about our graphs for homework. Three key terms that should be incorporated are claim,evidence, and reasoning.
We also looked at our petri dish. In my group we have a big mold spot. It slightly grew bigger. I noticed that the fire alarm had a lot of bacteria because no one pulls the fire alarm, so it has a lot of dust on it. We took our perti dishes and we calculated the fraction and percent of bacteria it covered in it's area.
We then took our petri dish and took it to a stereoscope.(another word for microscope.) When I looked I saw the mold spot that was in the center of the dish. I knew it was the mold because it looked fuzzy,it was white and big.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
In class today, We talked about claims, evidence, and reasoning. That will help us write are conclusion about our graph. We also talked about things your conclusion could include, Which are differences any increases, and predictions. And we looked at our petire dishes under microscopes. We calculated the percents and fractions of what grew. A microscope is also called a steroscope.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Trend Lines
In class we were elaborating more on things in graphs. We rediscussed what need to be in the geaph wich we reviewed on the 26th. today we learned what a trend line is. We also dinfined these terms.
Trend Line- a line that traces a pattern, even if the dots arent connected. the line shows around the average of the data.
Trend- a pattern.
we put a trend line in our growth of plants graph, and there was dots on the top and the bottom. seeing that we realized that the trend line shows the average of the data. remember not to draw a straight line connecting the dots but draw a general pattern of the data.
Trend Line- a line that traces a pattern, even if the dots arent connected. the line shows around the average of the data.
Trend- a pattern.
we put a trend line in our growth of plants graph, and there was dots on the top and the bottom. seeing that we realized that the trend line shows the average of the data. remember not to draw a straight line connecting the dots but draw a general pattern of the data.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
in class we frist we looked at they pastery dishes. they had grown a little and then you have to find the percent. to find the percent I would mouch the amount that you have and estumat the number. then divide and you came get the answer. Then we worked on graghs. The thinks we need to make a good gragh we have to incloud like labels,a comstant sale[regular interval],title,units,don't have to number every tick. you can use a breake. breack are when you start at a lowe number and sckipe to a high number.but it depends on the data to determine whether to start at zero or use a break. dependendant goes on x-axix
Monday, October 25, 2010
Period 4
Today in class, what we did was we were talking about what we did on Friday, the graphs. then Mr. Finley asked us, how much bacteria is in this area? (the petridish.) The answer came out to be for just one book is 1/9 of 1 box. The answer is 1/9 of 1 box is that 1/9/7 so u do 1/9*1/7=1/63...20.015 so you move the decimal 2 places so it would be 2001.5. So the percent would be 1.5%. then we did 1 1/2 which equals the amount of spaces the bacteria holds up divide by 7 equals 3/14 or 21.4%. Once we were done with that, we got out our perridish. In my group i had Elizabeth, Mary-Kate, and Ariel, so we got a marker and drew the outline of where the bacteria is. once we were done with that we had to copy a graph that Mr. Finley drew on the board the days and the height of something (he didnt tell us) then what we had to do was calcuate the percents of the aamountof spots of bacteria.
Friday, October 22, 2010
October 22nd
Today In class we started by getting back our corrected tests, and our Malaria case study homework notes. (after the delay caused by fire drill.)The next thing we did was went over the first part of our lab report. We learned how to correctly write the background, and compared it to a background of a real-life scientist. Next, we made sure that our hypotheses made sense, and was supported by the background. We made our hypothesis more detailed by answering these questions: Where? Why? and What did we learn? For example: My hypothesis is people have unsanitary hands because they cough on them and spread germs. My prediction would be When I test the finger scanner it should come up full of bacteria, because it was touched by many dirty germ filled hands. After, we made sure that we all knew what we were testing: Location. Lastly, we created a data table for our results.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Swabbing Day!
Today in class we are going around the school trying to find were the most and least amount of bacteria is found. In my group, we think that the place to find the most bacteria is in the cafeteria on the finger scan. The second place were we think that we will find the most bacteria is in the Middle School Hallways on the ground. The two places that we think won't have a lot of bacteria is the nurses office and the ceiling in the middle school hallways.
After we got our bacteria on the petri dish, we put the petri dishes in the inubator. An incubator keeps things at a nice temperature so that they can grow. We put the bacteria in there because the incubator will help the bacteria grow and it will make it go faster. We also learned wat range of tolerance is. Range of tolerance is the maximum and minimum limits something needs to maintain to survive. An example of range of tolerance is the timberline on mountains. The timber line is the point on a mountain were trees can no longer survive.
After we got our bacteria on the petri dish, we put the petri dishes in the inubator. An incubator keeps things at a nice temperature so that they can grow. We put the bacteria in there because the incubator will help the bacteria grow and it will make it go faster. We also learned wat range of tolerance is. Range of tolerance is the maximum and minimum limits something needs to maintain to survive. An example of range of tolerance is the timberline on mountains. The timber line is the point on a mountain were trees can no longer survive.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
October 20, 2010
Mr. Finley went around and checked that we did our homework; the places where we would find less and more bacteria and the video we took notes on. Louis Pasteur's one container grew bacteria because the broth was food for the bacteria. The bacteria grows once it starts feeding on the broth. The other one didn;t get any growth because the swan neck was not broke. Things were not just growing out of no where something had to go into it for it to be able to grow.
Areas with more contact have a more better chance of having a lot of bacteria on it.
Places in school with a lot of bacteria would include: door handle, and finger scan
Places in school with not a lot of bacteria would include: door handle when you come OUT of the bathroom.
A petridish is a round dish you can test things in.
An agar is a stubtance bacteria grows on.
We labled our petridish and put it into 4 differnt sections. We got a swab that is sterilized which means it is CLEAN.
Then we tested!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Areas with more contact have a more better chance of having a lot of bacteria on it.
Places in school with a lot of bacteria would include: door handle, and finger scan
Places in school with not a lot of bacteria would include: door handle when you come OUT of the bathroom.
A petridish is a round dish you can test things in.
An agar is a stubtance bacteria grows on.
We labled our petridish and put it into 4 differnt sections. We got a swab that is sterilized which means it is CLEAN.
Then we tested!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Period 4 Science- 10/15
Today in class, we read about Louis Pasteur. In the 1800s people believed that organisms could spontaneosly arise without parent organims.He tested that hypothesis. He was not the first to test this hypothesis. In 1668, Italian physican Francesco Redi proved that maggots were found on meat because the meat was left out for a few days and attracted flys. The flys layed eggs on the meat and they formed into maggots. After we read, we took the online quiz on the topic.
Next, we discussed where bacteria grows. We came up with a lot of things, such as tables, water fountains, and other places, too.
Next, we discussed where bacteria grows. We came up with a lot of things, such as tables, water fountains, and other places, too.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Spontanious Generation
Today in class we talked about people in the 15oos-1800s and how they thought people got sick. We all said that back then they thought that bacteria, viruses, parasites,germs etc. just came out of no where, just magically appear and began to get you sick. For example if they left out meat for 4 days outside it will attracted flies which will lay eggs and then the eggs that the flies put in the meat become maggots. Then the maggots will have put bacteria, and germs on the meat. But back then they thought maggots spontaneously appeared out of the meat. But what really happens is that the flies laid the eggs on the meat,which then turn in to maggots. That's how it really happens, but back then they didn't know what to think.
We also talked a little bit about how fungus and chemicals can also get you vary sick. And that back then they didn't know about it so they didn't really wash there food vary well, and then that's when the fungi's starts to grow all over the food. As you eat the food with fungus on it you become to get sick and that's not good at all.
Another thing we did in class today was a little activate but sadly we didn't really start it, but most of my class mates began to read the article to begin the activate. The article was mostly about bacteria what i was talking about before about the maggots, flies, and meat and how it really happens.
We also talked a little bit about how fungus and chemicals can also get you vary sick. And that back then they didn't know about it so they didn't really wash there food vary well, and then that's when the fungi's starts to grow all over the food. As you eat the food with fungus on it you become to get sick and that's not good at all.
Another thing we did in class today was a little activate but sadly we didn't really start it, but most of my class mates began to read the article to begin the activate. The article was mostly about bacteria what i was talking about before about the maggots, flies, and meat and how it really happens.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Blog for October 12, 2010
Today in class we finished up our teaching for the different diseases. Here are some notes on the diseases.
Cholera: is a bacteria, effects mostly babies and children, can be fatal, causes dehydration, caused by unsanitary water, symptoms are diarrhea, vomiting, cramps, and fevers, "cure" (is a way to treat the disease, not stop it completely) is made with sugar, salt, and clean water
HIV/AIDS: Human Immunodeficiency Virus / Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
Virus that affects your immune system, No cure for for HIV/AIDS as of 2010, AIDS shuts down the immune system so you can't fight any illnesses, if you get sick, you cannot fight the disease and you will die, these days they give you drugs to fight the disease. HIV leads to AIDS. No visible symptoms. Transmitted by blood and body fluids.
Smallpox: is a virus, no known cure, vaccine developed in 1796, can only be spread by direct contact, easy to diagnose because shows spots on skins, is easy to trace because of this, is not known to be spread by insects or animals, global campaign against it in 1967 by World Health Organization, vaccinated people exposed to the disease, they invented a special needle that could be used over and over again for vaccination, became first major disease to be wiped out completely.
Posted by Mark Van der Merwe
Cholera: is a bacteria, effects mostly babies and children, can be fatal, causes dehydration, caused by unsanitary water, symptoms are diarrhea, vomiting, cramps, and fevers, "cure" (is a way to treat the disease, not stop it completely) is made with sugar, salt, and clean water
HIV/AIDS: Human Immunodeficiency Virus / Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
Virus that affects your immune system, No cure for for HIV/AIDS as of 2010, AIDS shuts down the immune system so you can't fight any illnesses, if you get sick, you cannot fight the disease and you will die, these days they give you drugs to fight the disease. HIV leads to AIDS. No visible symptoms. Transmitted by blood and body fluids.
Smallpox: is a virus, no known cure, vaccine developed in 1796, can only be spread by direct contact, easy to diagnose because shows spots on skins, is easy to trace because of this, is not known to be spread by insects or animals, global campaign against it in 1967 by World Health Organization, vaccinated people exposed to the disease, they invented a special needle that could be used over and over again for vaccination, became first major disease to be wiped out completely.
Posted by Mark Van der Merwe
Monday, October 11, 2010
Period 4, Being the Teachers

Today in class we read articles in a group and then presented it to the class. The articles we read were either about bacterium or viruses. My group read about cholera, which is posted above. Once we read the article with our groups, we presented it to the class. In our class only one group got to go, my group. When my group and I went up, we talked about the questions that we had for homework and some other important facts. For example:
* The cause of the disease.
* Any other name it is called by.(Ex. Swine flu = H1N1)
* Some symptoms of the disease
When we were up we also made a concept map on the board. We showed the causes, the possible symptoms, and a easy way to cure the disease. (Shown to the left.) Some words that were hard for our group and the class to under stand were:
1. Vibrio Cholerae: another name for cholera
2. Feces: poop
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Period 4, Virus Bacteria, Germs, and parasites.
Period 4
Virus, bacteria, Parasites.
We made a venn diagram of virus, bacteria, and parasites. Are parasites germs? A germ is a micro-organism that can cause a disease, and a definiton for virus and bacteria is that they are both types of germs.A germ is a very general term our class found.A parasite is possibly a germ, tecnically a organism along with parasites. A parasite could cause Malaria by mosquitos who take in the parasite, then insert it into the human it bites. But not all parasites are small, like lice and ticks are visible from the naked eye. then a common question comes up are they alive? A virus is not living so it cannot become a organism. A parasite can, so can bacteria. but not germs. You can not use both virus and bacteria, because they are both interchangeable. They are different sizes and Bacteria is living.
Virus, bacteria, Parasites.
We made a venn diagram of virus, bacteria, and parasites. Are parasites germs? A germ is a micro-organism that can cause a disease, and a definiton for virus and bacteria is that they are both types of germs.A germ is a very general term our class found.A parasite is possibly a germ, tecnically a organism along with parasites. A parasite could cause Malaria by mosquitos who take in the parasite, then insert it into the human it bites. But not all parasites are small, like lice and ticks are visible from the naked eye. then a common question comes up are they alive? A virus is not living so it cannot become a organism. A parasite can, so can bacteria. but not germs. You can not use both virus and bacteria, because they are both interchangeable. They are different sizes and Bacteria is living.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Concept Maps
Today in class were learning about the differences between bacteria, parasites,and more things like that. Such as how germs in bodies, and that bacteria is already in your body. Also we talked aout concept maps and how they branch out to out things like the giants, their coached by Coughlin, they are the best team, they practice in the Meadow lands. That kind of thing. Also how an illness connected to a disease, and how a disease connected to a parasite because each have a way of going into your system except the difference is that a parasite comes from a very small bug that go into you body.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
I think the majority of the kids went to Cheep chicken hut when they were done because alot of kids after the battle of the bands could have eaten bad food and spread the disese around. Also kids spend alot of time being in contacts in other schools. I don't think it could have been the lake water because not all the kids swam, so alot less kids could have not gotten sick. I'm pretty sure that it was the resturants food because alot of kids complained that thier stomach and head ached.Thet were with other people so the kids from the concert who went to cheep chicken hut were interacting with other students who got sick as well.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Period 4 - Epidemics
We started off with sharing our ideas on how the band class got sick on May 20 and 21. Here are some of our ideas:
- The effect of food poisoning lasts for 2 days and after the battle of the bands, the bands were out for about 2 days.
- Some parents thought their kids had the flu or food poisoning.
- One school possibly got a disease from a recent college field trip
- A student came home from band and complained of a head and stomach ache.
- The students may have healthy immune systems and faught the virus quickly
Some people wanted some information from Mr. Finley's friend. Here is what they wanted:
- I want to know where they went after the battle of the bands.
- I want to know where th battle of the bands was held.
- Who got sick and what they did that was different from anyone else.
Mr. Finley liked our ideas and will try to get back to us on our questions.
After that, we continued figuring outwhat got the kids sick. A lot of people think it's the West Nile Virus. I am one of those people. I think it is the West Nile Virus because the symptoms match. Some other people think it is food poisoning. They believe that because the sickness lasted for the same amount as food poisoning would.
We just got a list of the places the kids ate and what they did. Most of the people went to Cheep Chicken Hut or Biff's Restaurant. Nobody got sick from Biff's, but a lot of people got sick from Cheep Chicken Hut.
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