this is a diagram of photosynethesis! (kinda blurry, sorry!)this is an example of yeast, the water based organism that we are using in our experiment!
This is an example of a glucose molecule (C6H12O6)
Hey guys! I had some technical difficulties and my blog vanished yesterday before i could post it..... :(. I'm sorry I couldn't post it but i typed up the blog..... again.
Today for homework we had to hand in a worksheet on cellular respiration and photosynthesis. We also had to hand in our procedure, prediction, materials, and hypothesis for our lab report on cellular respiration. The options for our independent variable were; temperature of water, amount of glucose, amount of light, amount of organisms, and different surroundings (colored paper possibly). Here are the correct answers the the worksheet (in order of questions):
- CO2
- light source
-Oxygen (O2)
-Glucose (C6H12O6)
Equation for photosynthesis---- 6CO2+6H2O+ light energy.................... C6H12O6 + 6O2
Fill in the blank: release
Equation for cellular respiration---- C6H12O6+O2........... 6CO2+ATP+6O2
Fill in the blanks diagram
1.CO2 (carbon dioxide)- going into plant
2.O2 (oxygen)- coming out of plant
3.C6H12O6 (glucose)- going down into plant
4.H2O (water)-coming up from roots
Fill in the blanks paragraph (in order of blanks)
1. Energy
2. Glucose
3. Chemical
4. Water
5. Air
6. food
7. air
8. solar
9. respiration
10. cellulose
Now we are going to conduct our experiment! HOORAY!! We found out that our water based organisms that we will be using are yeast (no sea monkeys Finley??)
Each group decided to do something a little different for this experiment, but my group (Garrett, Caroline, Mary Kate) decided to do the amount of glucose variable.Here is what we started with in our experiment:
- Test tubes (2)
- 5 ml. of glucose
- 2 ml. of yeast (water based organism)
- smart water
For this experiment, we first will have to acquire 2 test tubes. Then, we will fill these test tubes to nearly the top with the smart water. After this, we will put 1 ml. of yeast in each test tube to have an equal amount in each tube. Then, we will put the 5 mls. of glucose into 1 of the test tubes, put stoppers on both tubes, then shake them up. We then will have to wait one day to compare the results of our test.
My prediction for this experiment is that there will be a lot more bubbles in the tube with 5 mls. of glucose than the tube with no glucose at all. In cellular respiration, one of the two reactants is glucose. So, if one tube has a ton of glucose and the other has none at all, the tube with the most glucose would have the most bubbles. the more glucose there is to take in, the more cellular respiration can occur. The more cellular respiration that occurs, the more bubbles there will be. In conclusion, the more glucose and oxygen and organism can take in to produce cellular respiration, the more bubbles will rise to the surface of the water. So the test tube with the 5 mls. of water is bound to have more bubbles produced than the tube with no mls. of glucose.
C6H1206+6O2............... 6CO2+6H2O+ATP (cellular respiration)
Unfortunately the results and observations of our experiment are not ready yet and will be conducted tomorrow! Thanks so much for reading my awesome blog!!!!!!
- Caroline Schlobs :))