PATIENT ZERO-Who could it be?!! No one knows!!! 9/27/10
Today in class we tried to figure out who the patient zero was from our experiment the other day transferring your water from your valve to 2-9 people other people. But, before i go on, let me tell you what Patient Zero is! Patient Zero is the person that started the virus from the beginning and who had it first;the origin. So, in class we wanted to find out who started it all, who gave most of us this terrible virus!!! Well lets find out...
BUT FIRST-What are we going to do with all the information we find out?!! How will we keep it neat and organized?!! I have a solution!! We will use a TRANSMISSION TREE DIAGRAM!! OOOHHHH LLLAA LAAA!! Sounds fantsy! Well actually a transmission tree diagram is like a web. Its an easier way to organize things. It connects one thing to another thing to keep your information clearer to read and study. Now enough definitions-lets find out who is problem to the virus!!!
To find out in class who our Patient Zero was we had to ask some questions. We first started with Garrett, he was our first suspect. We asked him who he gave his water to and if his valve of water turned pink, in the end. Garrett exchanged water with Colin, Matt, Corina and Claudia.(me) Also, Garrett's valve in the end, turned pink. Could it be Garrett who started it all?!! Lets check! After that, we asked Colin who he exchanged water with and if his valve of water turned pink! The people Colin exchanged water with was Caroline, Rachel, and Lilo.(Plus Garrett) In the end, Colin's water didn't turn pink!! You want something unusual, check that out!!! So on our list of people who aren't Patient Zero are Garrett because he didn't get Colin in his track and its not Colin because his water didn't even turn PINK!
Then, we kept going with the process. We asked Rachel, from Colin's group who she passed it on to and if her valve became pink. She passed her water on with Alysse and Alysse passed her water to Sam and Chloe. Then Sam and Chloe passed it on to Mary Kate and Carolina. Then Carolina passes it to Elizabeth and Ariel. That's all we got to in class, but this is the process we will keep using. Who exchanged water with who?! Who's water turned pink?!Who started all of this?!
We know that these people are NOT Patient Zero:
- Colin
- Garrett
- Caroline
- Rachel
- Lilo
- Alysse
- Chloe
- Carolina
- Sam
- Allie
- Mary Kate
- Elizabeth
- Ariel.
We still have to finish up all of our questions to the rest of the people in the class tomorrow.
We haven't found out the mystery of who started this terrible virus, but we will find out soon!!!
By: C.L. <333
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