Today in class we first went over the science questions we did in class on Friday and for homework over the weekend. With our groups we went over the questions. the questions were, for the grass lab, why did our grass have to be very thin? And what is a cell? Why is it considered building blocks? Our group got the answer for why did our grass had to be very thin, because if the piece of grass was very thin, you wouldn't be able to see all of the cells as well as you did with the thin piece of grass. Our group answer for what is a cell? And why is it considered a building block, is a cell is what makes up all living things, and the reason why it is concidered a building block is that if you see a group of cells in the microscope, it looks like bricks holding the specimen you are looking at togeather. For the onion lab the questions were, why didn't we see any chloroplasts in the onion? Our answer for that was because the onion was grown underground, it doesn't need the chloroplasts because chloroplasts need the sun to produsce the energy into that cell, and underground there is no sun. For the second question, we were told to make a table compareing animal and plant cells.
My table's table was,
Animal: nucleus, mitochondria, and it has a cell membrane.
Animal: nucleus, mitochondria, and it has a cell membrane.
Plant: has a cell wall, chloroplasts, and a vacuole.
Both: are living things, and both are cells.
We wrote all of our combined answers on a white board and shared it with the class. We found out that we needed to add that, cells are also building blocks because they all work as one unit and that every thing depends on every thing else. Next we went over the charts that we made to compare and contrasting the animal and plant cells.
Our Class' chart was:
Animal: Had to dye the cheek cell, are bigger than plant cells, were more circular.
Plant: had cell wall, viens were seen, most plants have chloroplasts.
Both: had nucleus, have cell membrane, have mitochondria.
We have just discovered that the reason there was no chloroplasts in the onion skin because the skin is underground, oppose to the onion leaves, which means that the chloroplastsare in the onion leaves.
By: VF!!
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