Thursday, October 14, 2010

Spontanious Generation

Today in class we talked about people in the 15oos-1800s and how they thought people got sick. We all said that back then they thought that bacteria, viruses, parasites,germs etc. just came out of no where, just magically appear and began to get you sick. For example if they left out meat for 4 days outside it will attracted flies which will lay eggs and then the eggs that the flies put in the meat become maggots. Then the maggots will have put bacteria, and germs on the meat. But back then they thought maggots spontaneously appeared out of the meat. But what really happens is that the flies laid the eggs on the meat,which then turn in to maggots. That's how it really happens, but back then they didn't know what to think.

We also talked a little bit about how fungus and chemicals can also get you vary sick. And that back then they didn't know about it so they didn't really wash there food vary well, and then that's when the fungi's starts to grow all over the food. As you eat the food with fungus on it you become to get sick and that's not good at all.

Another thing we did in class today was a little activate but sadly we didn't really start it, but most of my class mates began to read the article to begin the activate. The article was mostly about bacteria what i was talking about before about the maggots, flies, and meat and how it really happens.

1 comment:

  1. I missed science today :.( so I didn't know what we did in class, this really helped!
