Friday, April 29, 2011

Punnett Squares

(the punnett square is similar to this)

Today, at the beginnning of the class Mr. Finley checked last nights homework. After we recapped what we learned yesterday for the people who were at Take your daughter/son to work day. (ex. BbGg) Speaking of the eye color....Mr. Finley changed the G eye colors. G is more green/hazel and g is less green/hazel.

Then we went over the homework. The chance for a child with both diseases would be 6.25% (1/16 of the punnett square). The chance for the child to be normal would be 56.25% (9/16 of the punnett square). The chances of the child to have the disease galactosemia is 18.75% (3/16 of the punnett square). The chances of a child getting the disease PKU is 18.75% (3/16 of the punnett square).


Next we were reborn, into a bug called a reebop. Our purpose is to born ourselves. (or make our own traits.) After, we recived worksheets stating the bugs general information. They consist of these genotypes:

  • L l-Legs: long or short (all legs are black)

  • R r-Eye Color: red or black (the rest of the head is the same color as the body)

  • BG BR b- Body Color: blue, red or green. (the g and r are super scripts)

  • S s- Spots or No Spots (spots are all black)

  • W w-Wings: Wings Or No Wings (All wings are transparent. Color what is under them lightly.)

  • C f-Antenne: Curved antennae or feathered antennae. (these are incompletely dominet: they are all brown.)

  • X Y- the sex

  • H h-yellow head disease recessive and linked to males.



Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Blood Types

In class today, we started talking about blood types. There's blood type A, B, AB, and O. All the types are different, but all have the same basic structure. Below is a picture of a blood cell. There are different types of blood cells and different parts of a cell.

-Reb Blood Cells: they transport oxygen to, and remove carbon dioxide from, the body tissues

-White Blood Cells: fight infections


-Platelet: help the blood clot (Ex. you get a cut and it scabs over)
-Plasma: contains salts and different types of protiens

We also learned that there are different blood grouping systems. As I stated in the beguining, there are four types of blood types which go in to groups. The four groups are A, B, AB, and O. The following will show and tell you how they are in these groups.
Group A
In group A, there's A antigens present and B antibodies.

Group B
In group B, there's B antigens present and A antibodies.

Group AB

In group AB, there's A and B antigens present and NO antibodies.

Group O
In group O, there's NO antigens present and A and B antibodies present.

We also talked about people with certain blood types can only recieve blood from someone with a certain blood type. People with certain blood types can only give to other people with certain blood types. Look below for a better example.

Some people may be asking, "Why do we need to know this?" or "What does this matter? I know I'm not going to become a scientist or a science teacher." Well, what if you do become a scientist. You will have to know which blood type will go to which person after a blood drive. If you don't know what blood type the blood is, the wrong blood will go to the wrong person. That person will then have their original blood cells fighting the new blood causing the red blood cells to break and contents leak out which are toxic.

One thing that may be difficult would be figuring out which blood type will work for which person when they distribute the blood. If you need help with this you can study the table above. If you still need more help, go in and ask for extra help or ask Mr. Finley for help.

For more information you can go to the website we used in class today.


5th Blog

Monday, April 18, 2011

April 18, 2011

Welcome back to school! Today we began class when Mr. Finley told us that we were going to be tasting the flavor of new gum! Each person chooses a piece of paper which had the flavoring on it. Everybody put the piece of paper in their mouth and wrote down their description. This was my description...
The flavor tasted bitter. It tasted awful and it had an after taste. The flavor was way too strong and didn't even taste like it was supposed to be a flavor of gum.
Then everybody compared what they tasted. Some people said it was bitter and some didn't taste anything at all. Mr. Finley gave us 2 options:
1) Tasted like nothing or just paper
2) It tasted bitter
Most of the class raised their hand for the second option. Then we found out the truth: we were not tasting the new flavor of gum. It was a special chemical (that would not harm us) that only some people can't taste.
Then we answered these questions with our table:
  • What is the phenotype?
  • What are the genotypes?
  • Which trait is dominate?
For the first question we said that the phenotype was being able to taste it or not taste it.
For the second question our table said that the genotype was either BB, bb, Bb, or bB. The b represents the bitter taste.
For the third question we said that being able to taste the chemical was dominate.
BB was homozygus (same thing) dominate- could taste
bb was homozygus (same thing) recessive- could not taste
Bb and bB were heterozygus (different)- could taste
Then, Mr. Finley showed us 4 test tubes of blood. We all agreed that they looked the same. We listed the 4 blood types which are A, B, AB, and O. We are going to learn more about this tomorrow.

-Sara M. :D
Round 5

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wednesday, April 6, 2010


We were given the following question to answer:

Think about Harry Potter. Think of Hermione and her family, Ron and his family, and Harry and his family. Create Punett squares for the passing of magic traits.

First, we have tofind what gene is recessive, muggle or magical. We used this evidence:

  • most people are muggles

  • Harry's grandparents and aunt on his mother's side are muggles

  • all of Ron's family is magic.

Since most people are muggle, that means muggles are dominant over magic people. This really solves the whole problems. We know know how to show dominant and recessive traitsw for the family's.

Unfortanetly, I can't show the punett squares but we learnt that Harry Potter's parents are:

Dad- mm

Mom- mm

For Hermione's parents:

Dad- Mm

Mom- Mm

And Ron's Parents:

Dad- mm

Mom- mm

Hope it helps to let you understand recessive and dominant genes!

Mark V. 5th time.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tuesday, April 5th

Punnett square Above


Important Vocabulary:
Punnett square- A square used to find the probabilities of genotypes for one person.
Genotype- The makeup of two alleles. (BB, or Bb)
Phenotype- The observable trait of an organism
Homo- Same
Hetero- Different
Heterozygous genotype- Different alleles (Bb)
Homozygous genotype- Same alleles(BB, bb)

First off, we went over Monday's homework that included Punnett squares.

Then, we talked about dominant and recessive genes using Punnett squares. If Corinna cannot curl her tongue, she must have two lowercase or recessive genes (i,i). Her parents would then have two have one dominant and one recessive gene for tongue curling to have a baby that cannot curl their tongue. (I,i)

REMEMBER: A Punnett square is the probability for ONE person.

The upper case letter is ALWAYS the dominant gene.

Use the same letter when talking about the same trait.

Adding dominant or recessive to the end of homozygous (ex. homozygous recessive) will mean the pair is either all recessive or all dominant.


Tim Sienko
(5th Round)

Monday, April 4, 2011

HOLLA peoples. Today we handed in our papers about genetics and meiosis. If you havent handed your's in yet, then get it in as soon as possible.

Mr. Finley gave us some vocabulary terms and we had to come up with definitioins. This is what the five guys came up with.

Dominant An allele that needs only one of its type in a homologous pair in order for that gene to be shown in the phenotype.

Recessive An allele that needs two of it type in the homologus pair in order for it to be shown in the phenotype.

Phenotype are the genes that can be observed from the outside.

Genotype all the genes inside and outside that you have but can't see.

When we compare this to the pea soup experiment, we can say...... (look to picture above)
This is because, phenotype is what you can see and you can see the peas texture and color but you can't see its genotype or the homologous pairs in this case. The reason that yellow is dominant is because the probability of getting it is higher. There is a 3/4 chance of getting at least 1 capital Y and a 1/4 chance of getting two lowercase Y's. this is also why green is recessive. There is less of a chance of getting it. The same goes for wrinkled and smooth peas just using R's.

For the rest of class, we discussed the answers to these questions and how they related to the pea soup experiment.

Unfortunately time flew when we were having fun and the period quickly came to a close

Colin Forbes!!!! Round 5

Friday, April 1, 2011

The Pea's Gentic Code

Hey guys! Today is April 1st so HAPPY APRIL FOOL'S DAY! Anyway-when we came in to the class room-Ms.Caroline Schlobohm had a poster on the pea simulation and what happened in our group (Sara M. Elizabeth M. + ME!!) and what we observed. Our group had saw that the wrinkley pea gene can skip a generation. Just like us!!! If you've notices, some of the traits you have might not have come from your parents-but from the generation before your parents-GRANPARENTS!!! Then we talked about the combonation of the R and Y under the pea. Why were the letters in that specific order? Well we discovered that the children PEA's got their R and Y combo's from their parents. Well now ur saying "Well DUHHH!" but there was a pattern in which the Ys and the Rs got split amoung the children and why they were in that kind of order. Well the order is in an organized way! Its like a tree diagram and probability in SCIENCE! Math and science? Together? WOWOWOOWOWOW. Well look at the picture on the side to see how the pea's genetic info got passed from the pea's parents to the children. Just remember when you looking at this picture that the top 2 Y pairs are the parents and the bottom 4 are the children! (**When the line is drawn from one parents Y's to the other-make sure that line is the same color as the new genetic Y code below for the kids. The blue line goes with the blue code. The green line goes with the green Y code-and so on.) Well guess what? Its the same thing for the R's too!! After we were done talking about how some traits in the pea(like wrinkles) can skip a generation we talked about those funny little numbers under the yellow and green peas. What were they? What did they represent?!!?!?!?!? Well-Mr.Finley put the simulation up on the smart board and we observed from the first set of PEA's given to us! We observed that:

  • Because of the way the parents are ordered the children are ordered the same way.

  • All the rough pea's must have the combination of rr. There is no other combination for the rough pea gene.

  • Yellow pea's have atleast one upercase Y

  • Y combinations disiffer the pea's colors.

  • R combininations disiffer the pea's shape.

  • yy=green pea

  • rr=rough pea

  • there has to be atleast one upper case R for the pea to be smooth
Then we tried proving what we observed in the first part of the PEA simulation was true by breeding a yellow pea and seeing what happened. Then we started to put things together. What does meiosis have to do with this?!?!?!? How do genes and meiosis on common grounds? Well guess what?!!?!!! They are on common grounds. You need the genes to do meiosis!!!!! The Y's from the pea are in the sperm and egg cells! WOW! no way??? Haha. Well when the sperm and egg come together to make the zygote the sperm has 5o% of the DNA and the egg has 50% of the DNA. And when they come together to form the zygote its 100% in the new cell! The Y combonations from the Pea cells are the HOMOLOGOUS CHROMOSOMES!!! And the Y combonation's are like the Zygote! Look at the picture for more detail! Holy Moly Maccaroni! What a day in science!! Claudia Lucciola <3333 Round 5!