Today we began class by answering the following questions. (I included my goup and classes responses)
Example of a Eukaryotic One Celled Organism-1) paramecuim
2) euglena
Example of Multi Celled-
1) Sunflower
2) Sara
3) Dog
* be specific about your examples
Which of the examples above would use mitoses to grow/develop/repair/cells? Why?
Only multi cellular organisms use mitoses because if a single celled organism splits and creates more then it isn't a single celled organism anymore because SINGLE celled means only one cell. Mitoses is the process of the nucleus divideing. If we destroy every cell in our body then we can't survive becuase we are designed to have multi cells and single celled organisms are metn to have 1 cell. A dog will use mitoses to grow and repair itself if it gets hurt. Also, humans will repair themselves if they get cut. They use it to grow too. ex. newborn--> toddler--> child--> tween--> teenager--> adult-->senior
How would the other use mitoses?
The single cell organism would use it to reproduce.
What would be true about the two resulting cells?
They all are exactly the same. If we looked at multiple cheek cells they would look the same.
Extra notes
*differeent types of cells look different becuase they are designed to do different things
4 stages of mitoses
1) prophase
3 big parts of the cell cycle
1) interphase (longest stage)
2) mitoses
3) cytokenisis (shortest stage)
cytokenisis is the actually process of splitting
chromosome is coiled up DNA(if it was uncoiled it would be called cromotin)
****************CHROMATID- EACH OF THE SIDES OF A CROMOSOME***********
-SARA M 4th round blog
Example of a Eukaryotic One Celled Organism-1) paramecuim
2) euglena
Example of Multi Celled-
1) Sunflower
2) Sara
3) Dog
* be specific about your examples
Which of the examples above would use mitoses to grow/develop/repair/cells? Why?
Only multi cellular organisms use mitoses because if a single celled organism splits and creates more then it isn't a single celled organism anymore because SINGLE celled means only one cell. Mitoses is the process of the nucleus divideing. If we destroy every cell in our body then we can't survive becuase we are designed to have multi cells and single celled organisms are metn to have 1 cell. A dog will use mitoses to grow and repair itself if it gets hurt. Also, humans will repair themselves if they get cut. They use it to grow too. ex. newborn--> toddler--> child--> tween--> teenager--> adult-->senior
How would the other use mitoses?
The single cell organism would use it to reproduce.
What would be true about the two resulting cells?
They all are exactly the same. If we looked at multiple cheek cells they would look the same.
Extra notes
*differeent types of cells look different becuase they are designed to do different things
4 stages of mitoses
1) prophase
3 big parts of the cell cycle
1) interphase (longest stage)
2) mitoses
3) cytokenisis (shortest stage)
cytokenisis is the actually process of splitting
chromosome is coiled up DNA(if it was uncoiled it would be called cromotin)
****************CHROMATID- EACH OF THE SIDES OF A CROMOSOME***********
-SARA M 4th round blog
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