First, we talked about technology help. Because they changed the website halfway through the year, people have been having alot of trouble. Mr. Finley said the first thing to try would try different brousers. There are many free browsers out there that could work for you. Also, he said to try signing in. He has told many people reciently to try this and it has worked. Mr.Finley said that he will always try to reply to an email or a txt message. If he doesn't, he said to try because he wont take pionts off. Finally he said to have someone that hasnt had tech. trouble to help you if you ever get stuck on something.
Before we began going over our homework we talked about our graph. we talked about each cell and what it did in the water and what it looked like. In the isotonic solution, the cell stayed the same and the appearence stayed the same too. In the hyoptonic solution, water went into the cells and the cells looked like they expanded. In the hypertonic solution the red blood cell and the paramecium cells water went in and the cells shrunk and shriveled. The plant cell was different. The inside of the cell shrunk when the cell wall stayed the same. Water went out of the cell as well. Also, we talked about a pattern. This pattern was that in a hypertonic solution, animal cells shrink and shrivel where as only the inside of the plant cell shrunk. When a cell shrivels up, it means that water is going out. The last thing mr. Finley brought up before going our homework was an extra credit project. He said thet we could take a cereal high in iron and mash it up into a fine powder. Then using a strong magnet, go across the cereal. If you do this repeatidly, iron will begin to collect on the magnet. Mr. Finley said that if you make a video of this, he will give you extra credit if done correctly.
Finally, we began to go over our homework. We went over each question quickly and finished right before the bell rang.
-Colin F()r83$
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