Today we began class looking at our homework. Everybody thought it was pretty simple to understand. We had to summarize the main points about a website we looked at on Mr. Finley's website under Thursday's homework. We went around the room and shared one main points
here is what we had...
PHOTOSYNTHESIS- is the process in which plants make food
GUARD CELLS around the stoma help it open and close and let things in and out
-Using the suns enery and carbon dioxide to make energy
-the cell needs water, sunlight, and carbon dioxide
-plants use photosynthesis to make food
-small opening at the bottom of the leaf is the stoma
-chlorophyll make the plants green
-photosynthesis helps us too by giving us oxegen
-part of photosynthesis takes place in the chloroplasts
-chlorophyll absorbs energy from the light
-water goes through the roots and the tubes in the stem
-chemical reaction occurs between the water and carbon dioxide creating sugar and oxegen
-the energy is stored in the sugar and can be broken down later
-water is stored in vacuoles
-plant dosn't need oxegen so it releases it
Mr. Finley filled up a graduated cylinder with water. It weighed 244.5 grams. The second graduated cylindar 50.3 grams. He put the sugar in the second graduated cylindar and it weight 80.7 grams. The sugar weighs 8.7 grams. (80.7 grams of sugar and cylindar-50.3 grams of cylindar= 8.7 grams of sugar) The the sugar in the cylindar with water will weigh approx 253.2 grams with sugar.(244.5 grams of water and cylindar+80.7 grams of sugar=253.2 grams of cylinder, water, and sugar) When we weighed it it was exact!!!
MASS- is the value of the amount of stuff (particles)
-Sara Misiukiewicz
This is a really good post. I didn't have many notes and everyone was going so fast in class so I went on the blog and got so much more information thank you so much!
Awesome post! I.love.it! But, I'm still confused about the mass. Isnt mass just weight? Like a carbon tablet weighs about 1 gram. Isnt that mass?
No. Mass is the value of the amount of particles (stuff). Hope this helps.