Monday, April 18, 2011

April 18, 2011

Welcome back to school! Today we began class when Mr. Finley told us that we were going to be tasting the flavor of new gum! Each person chooses a piece of paper which had the flavoring on it. Everybody put the piece of paper in their mouth and wrote down their description. This was my description...
The flavor tasted bitter. It tasted awful and it had an after taste. The flavor was way too strong and didn't even taste like it was supposed to be a flavor of gum.
Then everybody compared what they tasted. Some people said it was bitter and some didn't taste anything at all. Mr. Finley gave us 2 options:
1) Tasted like nothing or just paper
2) It tasted bitter
Most of the class raised their hand for the second option. Then we found out the truth: we were not tasting the new flavor of gum. It was a special chemical (that would not harm us) that only some people can't taste.
Then we answered these questions with our table:
  • What is the phenotype?
  • What are the genotypes?
  • Which trait is dominate?
For the first question we said that the phenotype was being able to taste it or not taste it.
For the second question our table said that the genotype was either BB, bb, Bb, or bB. The b represents the bitter taste.
For the third question we said that being able to taste the chemical was dominate.
BB was homozygus (same thing) dominate- could taste
bb was homozygus (same thing) recessive- could not taste
Bb and bB were heterozygus (different)- could taste
Then, Mr. Finley showed us 4 test tubes of blood. We all agreed that they looked the same. We listed the 4 blood types which are A, B, AB, and O. We are going to learn more about this tomorrow.

-Sara M. :D
Round 5

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