At first we talked about how Mr. Finley knows about all the tricks we do with the homework and extra credit where we say my computer isnt working. He said that he knows that we are lying and that he isnt going to fall for it. for extra credit Mr. Finley wants us to come to him and tell him what we did. he also wanted to make sure that we remember to put our initials on our blog and blog comments, so that he can give us credit. we have to at least 1 blog comment now, but 2 blog comments next blog round.
today we talked more about cellular resperation:
Carbon dioxide comes from glucose.
when you breathe in oxygen, you breathe out the same amout of carbon dioxide.
we get the carbon dioxide from the food that we eat and the glucose in our food and the glucose goes to the miticondria in the cell and the glucose uses the oxgen and produces ATP.
when this happens our body gets rid of water and CO2 and water. we breathe out the CO2 and when we are not sweating, we "waste" the water by using the bathroom.
when you run 5 Ks, you dont only use the food that you ate that morning, you also use the glucose that you store. that is why people who work out a lot are skinny because they burn off the stored glucose.
ATP- a form of energy that we use. It is when the glucose breaks down and creats energy which is ATP.
We planned our labs.
you would need to provide this organism with food and water.
the food that you would need to give it is something with glucose.
with organisms that are in water we would need to out it in water because that is how it is going to get the oxygen because of the equation H2O.
there is plenty of oxygen in water for us to breathe, so why cant we breathe underwater?
we cant because we cant seperate water from the oxygen.
our dependent variable in the experiment is how big the clump of bubbles is.
the independent variable in the experiment is amount of organisms (for our group)
Possible independent varables:
-amout of glucose
-color surroundings
-amount of organisms
A.D.M. (Alysse Machalek)