Wednesday, January 19, 2011

ATTENTION ALL CLASS MATES! you have to comment on any blogs in our class period in by Jan.31 for homework! we also got our test back and i would like to congrats TIM AND MARK for having over 100% SARA for having 100% and TORI,COLIN,GARRETTE, AND ELIZABTH. CONGRATS GUYS AWESOME JOB!!!!

Anyways today in class we started our ELODEA experiment. Are materials that we used in the experiment was 20 m. of water and codiun bicarbonate some part of the class has less amount of tablets then other people,so that we can see who's plant can see how many bubbles come out of the plant. the order that we did the experiment is that we did:

First: weigh the tablet

Second: we crush up the tablet until it turns into dust( make sure to crush the tablet on paper or something that wont change the weight)

Third: after u crushed up the tablet weight it again so that u have the same amount as you had before.

Fourth: we ruins out our test tube then dry it, after that Finley gave use a special water to put the tablet and plant in.

Five: then we but the tablet in the test tube before the water.

sixth: poor in the special water CAREFULLY if you have a big amount of tablets it might be fizzy

eight: put the plant in the test tub....wait a min. then start counting the bubbles for 5 min.

and thats how we did the exparment!

please comment! <3



  1. ALSO, don't forget that you are counting the bubbles coming FROM THE STEM not from the bottom or anywhere else. It is also a running clock, so you count until one minute then you record, and then after another minute you record, and then after another minute you record. Don't record after one minute and then restart counting for 2 minutes or 3 minutes!!!!
    -Sara M

  2. Also, you have to cut off or pinch the stem so the bubbles can be released before you put the elodea in the test tube.

    Tim Sienko
